Deserve before You Desire

While checking mails in one of the not-so-used email account, I came acorss this interesting email.

"The grass isn't always greener on the other side!! Move from one job to another, but only for the right reasons.
It's yet another day at office. As I logged on to the marketing and advertising sites for the latest updates, as usual, I found the headlines dominated by who's moving from one company to another after a short stint, and I wondered, why are so many people leaving one job for another? Is it passé now to work with just one company for a sufficiently long period?

Whenever I ask this question to people who leave a company, the answers I get are: "Oh, I am getting a 200% hike in salary"; "Well I am jumping three levels in my designation"; "Well they are going to send me abroad in six months".

Then, I look around at all the people who are considered successful today and who have reached the top - be it a media agency, an advertising agency or a company. I find that most of these people are the ones who stuck to the company, ground their heels and worked their way to the top. And, as I look around for people who change their jobs constantly, I find they have stagnated at some level, in obscurity.

In this absolute ruthless, dynamic and competitive environment, there are still no short-cuts to success or to making money. The only thing that continues to pay, as earlier is loyalty and hard work. Yes, it pays! Sometimes, immediately, sometimes after a lot of time. But, it does pay. Does this mean that one should stick to an organization and wait for the golden moment? Of course not. After, a long stint, there always comes a time for moving in most organisations, but it is important to move for the right reasons, rather than the superficial ones, like money, designation or oversees trip.

Remember, no company recruits for charity. More often than not, when you are offered an unseemly hike in salary or designation that is disproportionate to what the company offers it current employees, there is always an unseemly bait attached. The result? You will, in the long term have reached the same level or may be lower levels than what you would have in your current company.

A lot of people leave their organisations because they are 'unhappy'. What is this so called unhappiness? I have been working for donkey years and there has never been a day when I am not unhappy about something in my work environment - boss, rude colleagues, fussy clients etc.

Unhappiness in a work place, to a large extent, is transient. If you look hard enough, there is always something to be unhappy about. But, more importantly, do I come to work to be "happy" in the truest sense? If I think hard, the answer is "No". Happiness is something you find with family, friends, may be a close circle of colleagues who have become friends. What you come to work for is to earn, build a reputation,satisfy your ambitions, be appreciated for your work ethics, face challenges and get the job done.

So, the next time you are tempered to move on, ask yourself why are you moving and what are you moving into?

Some questions are:

  • Am I ready and capable of handling the new responsibility? If yes, what could be the possible reasons my current company has not offered me the same responsibility?

  • Who are the people who currently handle this responsibility in the current and new company? Am I good as the best among them?

  • As the new job offer has a different profile, why have I not given the current company the option to offer me this profile?

  • Why is the new company offering the new job? Do they want me for my skills, or is that ulterior motive?

  • An honest answer to these will eventually decide where you go in your career - to the top of the pile in the long term (at the cost of short - term blips) or to become another average employee who gets lost with the time in wilderness?



    6:57 PM, January 21, 2006 Anonymous said...

    Sounds like my bitter manager who lost a good employee because he did not want to give him a raise. I am making $125/hr and if someone offers me $150/hr, closer home, I will jump without thinking. And I am not planning on being a corporate slave for long and wait until my manager dies and I can take his place in 20 years.

    11:51 AM, January 26, 2006 Anonymous said...

    At the end of the day, it boils down to what do you want to achieve in life.

    Be happy? - find a job that you love, and would not think that you are working/slogging.Of course the benefits will be lower.

    Be rich? - find a job that matches your ambition and can get you the blink blinks

    and either one is not necessary lesser than the other.

    12:01 AM, January 14, 2008 Nawas said...

    Dear All, I'm preparing ICFAI 1st exam, kindly snd me the groupA&B model questionpapers on

    I would appreciate ur kind cooperation

    12:03 AM, January 14, 2008 Nawas said...

    I'm preparing ICFAI 1st sem,kindly snd Group A & B model question papers to


    6:57 PM, February 18, 2008 Unknown said...

    Hi Guy's

    Forwarding a mail from ICFAI Exam Department Regarding Exam at US


    Dear Student,

    We wish to inform you that we are generally not conducting our examinations in USA & Canada. However, for the convenience of few students who have made arrangement of identifying an Indian based Institution and their consent, exams are being organized at the under mentioned location for Apr' 08.

    1. Dallas, Texas, USA

    If you opt and intend to appear for your exams at the above mentioned location(s) send in your Examinations Registration Form (ERF) for registration purposes.

    We are in receipt of the consent from IANT - Dallas, TX to conduct our examinations on Apr 12 & 13, 2008.

    Fill in with relevant details and opt for appearing in the eligible subjects of ONE group only and send it preferably through mail. The examination fee of US$250 or its equivalent in Indian rupees per a group of subjects may be paid through a demand draft payable to "ICFAI University Common Fund" at Hyderabad.

    For making Online payment : -

    We advice you to fill in your details i.e., name, enrolment number and the program you are pursuing and choose the option "Any other payments" & remit the exam fee as per todays conversion rate and intimate us accordingly.

    Please find the link for online payment placed below :-

    You may contact us on +91-040-23430280, 81, 82

    6:25 AM, January 22, 2009 Anonymous said...


    Please visit below website and you will get to Download All Group Papers (A to J )of ICFAI MBA. This master link is as per Restructuring of the MBA program of ICFAI.

    Please Click on the below link.


    Please forward this link to your friends who are doing MBA So that they can download papers and get ready for exams.
