First Two Subjects

Subject in Group I is Introduction to Management and Business Communication.

Business Communication is quite interesting and it emphasises on Verbal as well Non-Verbal communication. Infact, most of the stuff we all,(almost), already use in our day-to-day life, both in Workplace and in Personnel life, though it is a nice to read about them. I think if one is conciously aware of his Communication Style, he (or she) can explore it further to enahnce one's career or personal relationship a lot.

Introduction to Management, on the other hand, is quite theortical in nature and would require more than a bit of effort to finish the subject in time.

Preparing for the Exams

Its less than a month that I would appear for my first MBA exams from ICFAI University. There are two subjects for this exam(Exams are due for Jan 8 and Jan 15), and I have not been able to complete my syllebus for either for them for my schedule in Office. Lets see how (good or bad) I fare in exams!