First Two Subjects

Subject in Group I is Introduction to Management and Business Communication.

Business Communication is quite interesting and it emphasises on Verbal as well Non-Verbal communication. Infact, most of the stuff we all,(almost), already use in our day-to-day life, both in Workplace and in Personnel life, though it is a nice to read about them. I think if one is conciously aware of his Communication Style, he (or she) can explore it further to enahnce one's career or personal relationship a lot.

Introduction to Management, on the other hand, is quite theortical in nature and would require more than a bit of effort to finish the subject in time.


4:56 PM, December 18, 2005 Anonymous said...

Hi Rajaneesh,

I took up these papers in Oct 05... and somehow passed!!!

Both the subjects are pretty interesting, especially Business Communications.

Introduction to Management gives a bird's eye view of evoluation of various management theories and its relevance and application. This subject is comparetively more technical, so requires more time to digest the entire text.

These two subjects are said to be the easiest, so takes less time to prepare for the exams.

All the best!
